Martela has published its latest Sustainability Report according the new GRI standard. ”Responsibility is reflected in the development of our customers' work and learning environments as well as in the responsibility of our own operations. Martela is committed to the ten principles of the Global Compact initiative concerning human rights, labour rights, environmental protection and the prevention of corruption,” says Matti Rantaniemi, Managing Director of Martela Corporation. ”Sustainable supply chains are one of the most essential aspects of our operations. We have updated our guidelines and implemented the related instructions through a survey for our suppliers," adds Ville Taipale, VP, Customer Supply Management with overall responsibility for Group Sustainability.
The user-centric work and learning environments implemented with the Martela Lifecycle® model increase work efficiency and create wellbeing, taking into account responsibility at every stage of the lifecycle. Design based on real need avoids unnecessary environmental load and use of materials. Furniture is always chosen to best suit work, durability and timeless design. Due to the maintenance services, the length of the workplace lifecycle is always optimal, the condition of furniture remains good and the premises meet the changing needs of customer. Unnecessary furniture is recycled and refurbished if necessary.
Find Martela’s Sustainability Report 2018 here!
Read more about sustainability at Martela!