A flexible and trouble-free move requires a huge amount of work in advance and considerable coordination. When you choose Martela as your partner, we will take care of all your removal and interior planning needs – not simply the move itself, but also work such as the inventory compilation, furniture procurement, responsible recycling, and timetabling, all of which require a lot of time and professional expertise. All this can be arranged with just one phone call to a single contact at Martela.

Recycling is an essential part of a product’s lifecycle. When you choose Martela as your service partner, we can also take care of the recycling of your surplus furniture and materials on your behalf.
Martela is one of the leading removals and interior planning service providers in the Nordic countries. Our service business, formerly known as Grundell, is known for its reliability, skill and decades of experience.
Business storage for hire.
Temporary storage of surplus furniture is a prudent way of managing assets. We offer businesses short- and long-term storage in warm and safe facilities. Our storage services include photographing and cataloguing all items and reporting if necessary. This guarantees that you will always know the type and quantity of items in storage. If you need access to the things in storage, we can arrange delivery quickly.
Removal boxes and packing material
A safe move
Practical removal boxes and suitable packing material are an important part of a successful move. Packing your things in durable boxes makes the move easy. If your things are packed safely and correctly, they will make it to the new address in one piece and ready for use. In addition to removal boxes we also offer packing material for different types of items and furniture.

Recycling service
Reducing the environmental impact together.
It is important for us to do our bit in increasing the responsibility of our customers. Our furniture repair and maintenance services extend the life of your furniture and prevent the environmental impact caused by manufacturing a new product. When the first user no longer needs a piece of furniture, we can clean and reupholster it or use it to manufacture stylish and durable furniture. We sell our recycled furniture in our Martela Outlet shops and online.
Did you know?
Approximately 100,000 tonnes of furniture is disposed of only in Finland every year. Studies show that 70–80% of this furniture could be recycled. In 2023 Martela took in 2.6 million kilos of used furniture. Through the Martela Outlet chain, about 23,140 pieces found a new home after cleaning, re-upholstering and maintenance. The rest was recycled as material.