How can the office respond to new hybrid work practices in the future?
Do you know what your employees think about their workplace? Or how your office compares with other offices? Is it just your imagination that the working conditions are not peaceful, or do many other people feel the same way? Do you need help to discover whether the work is efficient, and the meeting rooms are the right size?

Or do you already know that a change is needed, but you are not sure where to begin? Not to worry, we'll help you get started! You may start by reading about the workplace survey below.

The Martela Insights survey gives you an overview of the current situation, as well as research data with comparisons to the responses of thousands of other office employees to base your decisions on. The survey will help you find out what problems are specific to your office, what is going well and what you should particularly focus on.

Our workplace survey will give you an overall assessment of the opportunities and limitations of your current premises based on the experiences of your employees. The survey reveals poorly functioning space solutions as well as space reduction potential and helps save costs.

The survey is a cost-efficient, light and easy way to involve all users of the premises in the transformation.

The survey charts the nature of the work and the tasks involved, how functional the current facilities are, how productive the work is, collaboration practices, interaction and the employees’ readiness for change. The survey can also be carried out after a transformation to find out how successful the transformation has been.

Contact us

We carry out user surveys in both workplaces and learning environments. Contact our workplace consultants â€“ we are happy to answer any questions!
Martela workplace consultants